Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This was on the set of "Day in the Life of a Pinup," a calender my girl Tiffany is producing featuring local cuuuuuuuuuute tattoo'd ladies. Since she's a full time student and also has to manage a work schedule, she has postponed the publishing till late this summer. It will be a 2009 calender, 16 months I believe. I think I'll be in a few of the months. On this day I was being shot with a '54 Chevy, and I was the mechanic. It was a lottttt of fun. The other picture was me just the other day. I went over to the tattoo shop to get my arm worked on and say goodbye to Jason, he leaves for Maryland Thursday, so I'll have to make a few roadtrips to visit and get tattoo'd for sure. I ended up getting a sailor wheel with a diamond center and oranges/orange blossoms for my homeland- Floridaaaaaaaaaa. I'm really stoked on it, I like it.

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